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Image by Priscilla Du Preez


Required Immediately: Contract psychologist at the Centre for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CFCBT)

The CFCBT is a busy, specialized, clinical, and consulting psychology group practice. We provide evidence-based treatment for children, teens and adults with phobic avoidance disorders, depression, eating disorders, body-focused repetitive behaviours, and problems with emotional dysregulation/oppositionality.


We are looking for a child psychologist and an adult psychologist.  If you also have DBT/ACT/couples therapy skills, in addition to your focus on CBT, that would be of interest to us. 


We are networked within Edmonton's medical community with a well-established reputation for providing quality psychological services.  The CFCBT provides services to several employee assistance firms including the Alberta Medical Association, Edmonton Police Service, the Canadian military, Veterans' Affairs, and numerous insurance companies.  


At the CFCBT we can offer you flexible hours, referrals to build your practice, training/supervision sessions, and a collaborative team environment.  All marketing initiatives are developed through the organization so you do not have the daunting challenge of building your own reputation within and outside the medical community.


We are looking for people who are well-organized, ambitious, and dedicated to lifelong learning.  Our preference is for Registered Psychologists with expertise in CBT.  However, we will also consider Provisional Psychologists and are willing to train the right people.  We are also willing to supervise individuals who need to complete the CAP requirement of 1600 hours of supervised practice.


Consider joining our great team of supportive colleagues who enjoy getting together virtually and in-person for team functions.  


If you think you are the right person for one of these positions, please send your CV to Dr. Wes Miller by clicking the button below.

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201 Serenity Business Centre,

10059-118th Street

Edmonton, AB, T5K 0B9​

Tel 780.455.8181

Fax 455.8266

© 2018 DesignsbyLCB

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